What happens is that the condition stems from differences in parts of the brain that process language, the imaging scans of dyslexic people show that areas of brain that should’ve been active when a person reads aren’t working properly. The disorder is usually linked to genes; one is more likely to have dyslexia if their parents, siblings, or other family members have it.
Dyslexia is found in kids and adults and is different for everyone; for some it may be in a mild form so eventually they learn how to manage with it while others may have more trouble coping up with it. And even if one isn’t able to fully outgrow dyslexia they still can get through college and succeed in life, there is no doubt in that. What they need is just a little push here and a little help there to succeed.
Talking about a little help, let’s talk about the development of the dyslexia services in Pakistan. The Senate, on 13th July, passed the Dyslexia Special Measures Bill, 2020. This bill Moved by Samina Saeed from the ruling party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) talks about facilitating the children suffering from dyslexia (a learning disorder that involves difficulty in reading) through special measures for education of the dyslexic children.

This bill landed on 16th January 2020 in the Senate and has been reviewed and passed by relevant Senate standing committee. It would now seek the National Assembly’s nod and final ascent from the President of Pakistan in order to become a law.
Such dyslexia services in Pakistan can be extremely helpful to organization supporting such causes like Kazim Trust who has been working as a non-profit organization that aims to spread awareness and create treatment programs for Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), Learning Difficulties (LD) and Autism (ASD) in children and adults.
Kazim Trust identifies learning behavior in children and then engages them in therapies so they can lead towards modified, productive and happier lives. The trust also arranges regular workshops for parents who have children or any other loved one suffering from ADHD, learning difficulties like Dyslexia and autism in conjunction with teachers and health professionals for better management and handling of these conditions.This Dyslexia Special Measures Bill, 2020 is a great step taken for dyslexia services in Pakistan and Kazim Trust encourages such great initiatives to make people with dyslexia or any other such difficulty suffer a little less, offering them support and encouraging them towards betterment and happiness of life.