There are several misconceptions surrounding ADHD, and due to this individuals affected by this order, or their family members can become negatively affected.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Commonly known as ADHD is a condition mostly occurring in childhood. However, adults too can have it, and more importantly, if it remains untreated it can progress from childhood to one’s adulthood.

The symptoms relating to this disorder are hyperactivity, which can be seen as difficulty remaining still and accompanied with impulsivity which can be seen as reckless behavior.

Individuals with ADHD cannot keep focus and hence, it is difficult for them to complete a task. ADHD brings about symptoms which can be seen both behaviorally and emotionally.

The conditions remain misunderstood by the general public, even people who have it. ADHD awareness has become crucial to identify and treat the symptoms in the early stages of the condition.

In many instances, ADHD is underdiagnosed and often seeking care and diagnosis is complicated and variable. Often, the condition is looked on by a general practitioner and there the individual undergoes assessment which is not authentic. A psychologist or a mental health expert can provide a proper assessment and subsequent treatment related to ADHD.

Since 2008, Kazim Trust has been catering to the needs of ADHD both in children and adults. Proper assessment is done to understand the complexity and severity of the condition. Once it is ruled out, professional help is provided.

One of the common misconceptions prevalent in our society is that “psychological flaws” fade over time or become improved with time, therefore, there is lack of focus towards getting treatment. Similarly, most people consider a hyperactive child as a naughty child or notorious at best but they would not take their considerations beyond that. To believe that the condition will go away with time is erroneous on the part of the parents who leave their child to suffer a lifelong illness and deprive them of a normal life.

Therefore, it is recommended to seek professional help and bring your child to Kazim Trust if you notice any symptoms mentioned above. There is no harm in seeking help for the wellbeing of the child. Children with ADHD deserve the best in life and through this platform a beautiful life is awaiting them as well!